Making the most of your Magnetico AG6
The Magnetico AG6 is one of our most popular acoustic guitar pickups. Make sure you’re getting the best possible sound from yours with these five quick tips from our US National Sales Manager and guitar specialist Dave Schmidt:
1. Check position: Ideally, the strings should be no more than 5 mm above the pickup (4 mm is ideal for most players who do not play aggressively)*. To accomplish this, simply use some small pieces of paper to shim underneath the wings that hold the pickup in the sound hole**. Start with the thickness of one sheet of paper, then fold it over two or three times to increase the thickness as needed. (A thin piece of cork or foam can achieve the same goal.)
2. Proceed with care: Be sure to always plug in the output and input jacks carefully, perpendicular to the connector, to avoid damaging them.
3. Remember, it’s sensitive: The optional S-MIC is a very sensitive microphone. For live applications, user volume should never exceed 10% of the total volume in order to avoid feedback. When using the M-AG6 with the S-MIC for a recording session, we recommend using it at 100% volume mixed with the M-AG6 sound.
4. Outside, on the top: If you choose to use the optional DYN-AG6, we recommend trying it out on the outside top first to find the sweet spot for that particular guitar. Once you’ve found it, glue it inside at the same position with shoemaker glue (preferred) or double-sided tape.
5. You can’t split us up: The endpin jack is made with a stereo input for the sole purpose of drawing power (on/off) when plugging your cable into the jack.
The total time involved in making these minor tweaks and adjustments is only about five minutes, but the gain in sound quality can be significant.
Thanks for playing with us, and enjoy your Schertler Magnetico AG6.
Please note: *The M-AG6 does not work with nylon string guitars. **Some older guitars have a smaller sound hole which is incompatible with the M-AG6.
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