18.12.2018 #stampen en dagen



Stampen En Dagen rely on Unico and Digit Two

Belgian band Stampen En Dagen perform a mix of country, skiffle and folk with Dutch dialectical lyrics (which they call “Boogie Folk”). The six-piece band - comprising violin, banjo, guitar-vocals, keys-vocals, bass-vocals and drums - has combined Schertler Unico amps with an SR Digit System to ensure top quality sound for both the performers and the audience. Singer/guitarist Rudy Van den Nest explains: “About two years ago we bought the SR Digit Two PA System. That was a revelation to us - a truly pure, fantastic sound for the semi-acoustic thing that we do. So we decided to add 6 Unico amps, one for each member of the band. The combination of the Digit System and the Unicos is pure acoustic magic! We use the Unicos as personal instrument amps, as well as for personal monitoring on stage. We can do this with the combination of Digit Two, a Behringer X Air XR18 mixer (6 monitor lines out) and the Unicos. The drummer uses his Unico purely as a monitor. Sometimes we have a 7th member (second violin), so now we are thinking about adding a 7th Unico amp!” 

Schertler SA
via Beroldingen 18
6850 Mendrisio

CHE-104.762.948 IVA 
  +41 91 630 0710
  +41 91 630 0711

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