22.09.2017 #TFOA_festival_nl


Schertler Around The Globe



TOM at Roots and Boots

A Schertler TOM PA system was used at the recent Roots and Boots festival in Dedemsvaart, Netherlands. Roots and Boots is an initiative of The Fellowship of Acoustics (TFOA), Promotiestichting Dedemsvaart and Theater de Gashouder.

This year was the festival’s premiere: Held in one of the town’s park areas (the “backyard” of TFOA), the combination of ancient trees, good food and live music proved to be the perfect mix. Around 2000 visitors enjoyed live music from a dozen bands appearing on three different stages. The TOM PA (with an appropriate wood finish) was used on the Bostheater (Forest Theatre) stage.

With the event completely sold out, organisers rated it a resounding success.


Schertler SA
via Beroldingen 18
6850 Mendrisio

CHE-104.762.948 IVA 
  +41 91 630 0710
  +41 91 630 0711
297 - 4691.4

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